Mexico Travel Advisory


As you are probably aware, there has been a travel advisory update and recent media coverage regarding travel to Mexico, which has affected consumer confidence in travel to the region. In light of this, I wanted to send out information on this topic.

I have had clients that have been reluctant to travel to Mexico due to this update, however, I am confident that Mexico is still a safe destination to travel to. I am continuing to sell this destination, have been there myself in the last couple of weeks and am planning another trip in October. I would not send my clients anywhere that I wouldn't travel to myself!

Like I tell all my clients, as long as you are in the resort area, on a scheduled tour or in town to do some shopping you are safe. Do not wonder off the beaten path or arrange a tour with someone that is not trusted. I have been booking Mexico for the last 20 years and have never had any issues on my trips or my clients trips and do not plan on it in the future.

Here is a great article that puts this all into perspective!